A causal and bidirectional relationship appears to exist between sleep and emotional brain function. Without sleep, the ability to adequately regulate and express emotions is compromised at both a brain and behavioral level, common to both the positive and negative domains of the emotional spectrum. (Goldstein, 2014)
Sleep disturbances are a risk factor for onset, exacerbation, and relapse of mood disorders. (Rumble et al, 2015)
Comorbid insomnia and other sleep disturbances are common in patients with neurodegenerative disorders, such Alzheimer's disease and other dementing disorders. (Cipriani et al, 2015).
Major depressive disorder is frequently accompanied by sleep disturbances such as insomnia or hypersomnia and polysomnographic sleep findings of increased rapid-eye-movement sleep and decreased slow wave sleep. (Murphy et al, 2015)
Although sleep disturbances are typical features of depression, such symptoms sometimes appear prior to an episode of depression. (Franzen, 2008)
Post-traumatic stress disorder is related to a wide range of medical problems, with a majority of neurological, psychological, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes, as well as sleep disorders. (Khazaie et al, 2016)
Sleep disturbances are prevalent in patients with schizophrenia and play a critical role in the morbidity and mortality associated with the illness. (Kamath, 2015).
Goldstein AN, Walker MP. The role of sleep in emotional brain function. Annu Rev Clin Psychol. 2014;10:679-708. doi: 10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-032813-153716. Epub 2014 Jan 31. PMID: 24499013; PMCID: PMC4286245.
Rumble ME, White KH, Benca RM. Sleep Disturbances in Mood Disorders. Psychiatr Clin North Am. 2015 Dec;38(4):743-59. doi: 10.1016/j.psc.2015.07.006. PMID: 26600106.
Cipriani G, Lucetti C, Danti S, Nuti A. Sleep disturbances and dementia. Psychogeriatrics. 2015 Mar;15(1):65-74. doi: 10.1111/psyg.12069. Epub 2014 Dec 16. PMID: 25515641.
Murphy MJ, Peterson MJ. Sleep Disturbances in Depression. Sleep Med Clin. 2015 Mar;10(1):17-23. doi: 10.1016/j.jsmc.2014.11.009. Epub 2014 Dec 12. PMID: 26055669; PMCID: PMC5678925.
Khazaie H, Ghadami MR, Masoudi M. Sleep disturbances in veterans with chronic war-induced PTSD. J Inj Violence Res. 2016 Jul;8(2):99-107. doi: 10.5249/jivr.v8i2.808. Epub 2016 Apr 19. PMID: 27093088; PMCID: PMC4967368.
Kamath J, Virdi S, Winokur A. Sleep Disturbances in Schizophrenia. Psychiatr Clin North Am. 2015 Dec;38(4):777-92. doi: 10.1016/j.psc.2015.07.007. Epub 2015 Aug 22. PMID: 26600108.
Franzen PL, Buysse DJ. Sleep disturbances and depression: risk relationships for subsequent depression and therapeutic implications. Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2008;10(4):473-81. doi: 10.31887/DCNS.2008.10.4/plfranzen. PMID: 19170404; PMCID: PMC3108260.